Thursday, April 8, 2010


We discussed the shoe project as one of the benefits of internets and charities... check out the latest on Twitter...

"#hardwithoutshoes is a popular topic on Twitter right now.

@TOMSshoes started this hashtag for One Day Without Shoes (April 8), to raise awareness of those who cannot afford shoes."

...Nice to see it's a trending topic and that the internet fantasy has expanded to a second medium.


  1. It is good to see that these social networking sites are being used for other things, like charity events. My friend is currently using twitter for a benefit for a family friend that past away and it is surprisingly bringing in a lot of money and press for the event.

  2. It is great to see how new media and "real world" initiatives team up to support one another. Twitter brings more awareness as does people walking around without shoes to the TOMS cause. Relay for Life was held last night at the pryz and is now largely organized and fundraised over the internet. It is great to see when cyber action and real world action come together.
